Fashion changes all the time. This applies to men’s fashion as much as it does to women’s fashion. Just as there have been many fashion faux pas in the ladies’ niche, the same can be said for men.
Today, we’ll be focusing on the mistakes committed by men. We have compiled a collection of unforgivable men’s fashion and style fails that have been committed.
There’ll be laughter, cringes, and maybe even tears for these poor men.
Avoid Holes in Socks
All men seem to have holes in their socks, yet they avoid getting rid of them at all costs. The problem with holes in socks is that these don’t look any good. Unfortunately, if a worn area is starting to appear on the sock, you need to throw it away ASAP. Time for new socks!

If you’re prone to wearing out the toes faster than the rest of the sock, consider socks that offer more padding in the toe area in order to prevent holes. Throw out old socks and you won’t have to worry about holey socks anymore!
Prevent Product Build-Up
Men won’t admit it, but they secretly love their hair care products. From gels, hairsprays, and leave-in conditioners, there’s plenty for men to add to their hair. It‘s all good and well until you end up applying too much. Hair gel, especially, looks greasy and hard when you use too much.

You don’t need to apply much when it comes to hair gel and mousse. A small amount rubbed between your hands and spread evenly through your hair is sufficient enough for styling.
Get Rid of Denim Shorts
Many men wear denim shorts. Normally, they sit just above knee height. They’re popular for all different ages, from teens to adults. Unfortunately, we have some bad news for you… Get rid of them, now!

These shorts don’t look good and often have a too-relaxed look. Since pulling off the short denim look can be hard, avoid it altogether. Opt for something comfortable that still offers plenty of styles – like chino shorts.
The Classic Fanny Pack
Your eyes will hurt if you look at someone wearing a waist bag, or fanny pack as they used to be called. It’s a good idea for your sanity to avoid wearing one of these annoyingly popular items.

If we’re honest, we can’t say this trend made sense the first time around. Yet, here it is again, making most of us feel uncomfortable. Skip this one, gents! There’s no redeeming quality here.
Control the Sunglasses Look
Our friendly advice is to get rid of the sports sunglasses look; they no longer give off a cool vibe. If you want your shades to look like a fashion statement, then you need to stop buying cheap sunglasses.

If you want to come across as someone with style, opt for brands such as Ray-Ban and Tom Ford. If you’re budget-friendly, spend more money on other accessories for your outfit. Sunglasses don’t add much value.
Don’t Look Like a Costumed Character
Men seem to think that wearing more colors and patterns at once is a good idea. Let’s get one thing straight – it’s not, under any circumstances. You may be able to pull it off with dark or neutral colors.

When it comes to bright-colored patterns and shades, you can mix one or two. Any more than that and you’ll look like something from a kid’s cartoon. You may even get asked where the dress-up party is located!
Sports Jerseys Are Not Daily Attire
Let’s be clear on this one: Sports jerseys are great for getting in the mood to watch a game on TV or to show your support when going to a live game. Unfortunately, men seem to forget that the jerseys should come off after the game.

Sports jerseys aren’t something that you wear around the house for daily wear. These types of clothes don’t work well for everyday wear. Stick to normal shirts or tanks for around the house and leave the jerseys for the next game.
Avoid the Clunky Look
Women can pull off jewelry, from bangles to rings and earrings. Men don’t have the same privilege. Men can’t wear a lot of rings on their fingers without looking messy. Forget the oversized jewelry and aim for one or two pieces of petite jewelry.

Avoid any big buckles, stones, or thick banded bracelets and rings. Work with silver more than gold, as gold can give off an obnoxious look more than silver.
Say ‘No’ to Fur
This look has been out of fashion for a long time. If you’re going camping in winter, then you can wear this. However, don’t let anyone see you wearing one of these anywhere else.

For that matter, you can’t be seen in public wearing a fur coat or hat. You might be mistaken for someone living in the past. Putting a fur coat on leaves you open to many looks of confusion.
The Socks With Sandals Fad
Why do men think wearing socks with sandals is acceptable and looks good? The only way to describe this is simply ugly! Socks go with sneakers, and bare feet go with sandals. That’s the right way to wear them.

If you feel a little self-conscious about your feet, then your best bet is to go ahead and just pop socks on and wear sneakers. Wearing socks with sandals at home is okay but slip on sneakers when you leave the house.
Brands Don’t Define You
Are you one of those people who are loyal to brand names? Do you feel good about wearing brand-name clothing? Think about it for a minute and realize that brands don’t define you or your style.

Try out new clothes and see how they fit and feel. You may find other branded clothing to feel more comfortable than those with an expensive price tag.
Forget Beaten-Up Shoes
Now, if there’s something that ruins a good outfit, it’s dirty and beaten-up shoes. These shoes have the effect of ruining even the plainest, most casual look. If you’re prone to ruining shoes, have a nice, clean pair for outings and keep the more beaten-up pair to wear around the house.

No matter how well you design your wardrobe and how expensive your outfit is, you’re ruining the look by wearing beaten-up shoes.
Monochromatic Suits
We only see monochromatic suits in movies like The Matrix. Quite often, these suits are only worn by movie villains. Wearing everything in the same color as a suit is a no-go.

The problem with doing this is it makes it hard to be noticed. You end up blending in, and people need to take a second look to notice you. Add some color! It doesn’t need to be bold, just enough to break the monochromatic look.
Tie Clips and a Vest
Never wear this! You already have a waistcoat that works well to hold the tie in place, so why would you need a tie clip? It just seems like overkill.

In this case, you need to choose one or the other – there’s no in-between or compromise, sorry folks. Going into a hurricane, well, maybe the two might prevent the tie from swirling around, but we think the waistcoat will do just fine.
Suspenders With a Belt
Why, oh, why would someone wear suspenders with a belt? Isn’t the whole point of wearing a belt to hold your pants up? Do you wear suspenders to hold your pants up? Why would someone wear both?

Unfortunately, you need to choose which one you’re going to wear. Suspenders seem to be old and outdated now. Perhaps stick to a belt to appear normal, rather than overkill with the whole holding your pants up thing.
Get Yourself Some Collar Stays
Nothing looks worse than having a limp collar floating around in the wind. The good thing is you can buy a collar stay that’ll flatten the collar and keep it in place. There’s nothing formal about a limp collar. Collar stays are affordable and easy to use. You can’t even tell they’re there!

So what’s your excuse for not wearing one? You can purchase a collar stay from any formal clothing shop that sells men’s shirts. Consider buying one when you buy your next shirt.
Correct Your Tie Length
One thing that we see too often is men wearing ties that are either too short or too long. Both look out of place and are easily noticed. A tie’s length needs to be around belt level. Sometimes, you can get away with it being longer, but never go shorter!

Short ties are something to laugh about. It’s also important to consider the width. If you’re thin, then a thick one won’t suit you; a thin one won’t suit a larger person.
How Many Buttons?
There’s controversy over how many buttons are best to button on your suit jacket. The general rule is to open the last button on waistcoats and jackets. Some men might not worry about this, but it tends to interfere with the aesthetics and proportions.

Remember to undo a couple of buttons on your jacket when you sit down. Doing so will take pressure off the threads. But in the same way, don’t walk around with all the buttons undone – it looks sloppy and ruins the impact of a suit.
Sneakers With Suit Pants
Well, we can’t say we agree with this look. We can’t bring ourselves to agree with it, but there is a way to make the whole outfit look better. We all own sneakers, but it doesn’t mean they’ll look good with a suit!

Plain low-line white sneakers are the best to use if you really have to wear sneakers with a suit. Anything like high tops or bulky shoes is going to look ridiculous. This rule also goes for black sneakers, but it depends on what color suit you’re wearing.
Match the Socks
You might think it’s not a big deal, but socks can break or make an outfit. There are a few general rules when it comes to wearing socks. Don’t think it doesn’t matter because people can’t see them because, at times, they can.

When you sit down, the pants slide up, and there are your socks. Avoid white socks at all costs, and cartoon characters or patterns go in the same category. Do everyone a favor and match the socks with the outfit.
Consider the Length of the Pants
Seriously, men don’t have fashion sense if they think the length of their pants doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what type of pants you have on, the length is important. Pants that are too long or too short look bad.

If you buy pants that are too long, a simple hem alteration will do the job. You have two options for pants: Over the shoes or just sitting on top of the shoes.
The Right Arm Length
This is another common issue that men seem to overlook often. It doesn’t look good to have your sleeves over your hands, whether it’s a suit coat, shirt, or casual long-sleeve. The sleeve should be positioned just over the wrist.

Again, a simple hemming job will do the trick. It’s easy to learn how to do it yourself or take the shirt to an alteration shop to have it fitted and hemmed correctly. Don’t leave yourself looking sloppy when there’s a simple fix.
Incorrect Suit Fit
Sometimes, men like to splurge and buy expensive suits for a wedding or a special occasion. Unfortunately, there’s no point in buying an expensive suit if it doesn’t fit you correctly. There’s no in-between, it either fits or doesn’t.

A suit that seems to flow around you will give the impression that you wear clothes that are too big and you don’t care about your appearance. Men can change their whole image, for the better, with a suit that fits properly.
Big, Bold Slogan Icons
These T-shirts basically allow you to show people what you think. Unfortunately, these shirts don’t offer much in the way of fashion. There’s also the fact that many are meant to be funny, but the public doesn’t see it that way.

Small logos are ok, especially if they’re for a brand. Many t-shirts that say stupid things like “I paused my game to be here” are seen in a negative light. Keep these at home and go for something a little more stylish for outings.
Say ‘No’ to Extreme V-Necks
Some v-necks are okay if they’re small. You should stay away from the types that are just plain dramatic. You’ll get more frowns than anything else when wearing one of these. You might get a few ladies looking at your chest hair, but overall, these are bad.

V-necks were once in, and some people still wear them. However, they’re more of a gym-wear option than something you’d wear when going out. Stick to something a little less overboard.
No Words to Describe It
What exactly is this? Is it a tank top, fishnet, or something else? Does it even have a name? The question is, why is a man wearing one of these?

That’s certainly not gym wear, nor does it even fit in the casual department. What purpose does this “shirt” serve? Please don’t buy one of these.
Hats, Hats, and No Hats
Well, the whole hat thing that was once in has settled down now and barely exists. Seeing someone wear a bowler hat is a good conversation starter… when you’re in the mood to complain.

Sure, sun hats in summer are great! But hats for fashion? No way! If you’re wearing a sporty outfit, you may pull off the whole cap look, but that’s as far as that one’s going to go.