40+ Moments People Were Crushed by Just One Punchline Online

    It’s not great to be on the receiving end of an insult, but to read others get slammed with one-line comebacks can be quite entertaining. We’ve compiled a list of 40+ moments people were totally crushed by just one punchline on the internet. From food pics to embarrassing moments, this list has it all…

    Italicized Twins

    Considering the average wait in line to see the Mona Lisa is an hour, these two wanted to make the most of the little time they had by taking a selfie with the famous painting before getting pushed aside.

    ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd2dfm87p04h1zk.cloudfront.net%2Fwp content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F11%2F21202211%2F2 guy italics
    Italicized Twins

    Not even taking notice of the painting, they were hit with a comment that said their stance resembled italic letters. Despite the poor angle, we’re happy these two got the opportunity to see one of Da Vinci’s most valuable works of art.