Forensic experts have solved the mystery of ‘non-human alien corpses’

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Featured Image Credit:ย Carlos Garcia Granthon/Fotoholica Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Forensic specialists have announced the resolution of the enigma surrounding the two mummified ‘remains’ that garnered significant attention last year.

During the summer months, customs authorities confiscated a pair of 2-foot-long ‘non-human corpses.’

These figures were claimed to possess three-fingered hands and elongated heads, leading to speculation that they could be extraterrestrial beings.

After their discovery, forensic experts examined them to determine whether their origins could be traced back to Earth.

For those enthusiasts eager about extraterrestrial life, regrettably, it seems you may need to exercise patience as more definitive proof awaits in the future.

As of Friday (January 12), it has been confirmed that these two bodies are indeed of terrestrial origin.

Forensic experts, in collaboration with Peru’s prosecutor’s office, have dispelled rumors and asserted that these ‘individuals’ were simply DIY projects.

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The ‘bodies’ were seized from customs. Credit: Carlos Garcia Granthon/Fotoholica Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

It is reported that these entities were crafted using paper, metal, glue, and an assortment of bones.

Consequently, the Peruvian prosecutor’s office has rejected the notion that these bodies originated from ‘another planet.’

Flavio Estrada, the forensic archaeologist who spearheaded the analysis, stated that the notion of these beings hailing from an ‘alien center’ or another planet was deemed ‘totally false.’

“The conclusion is straightforward: they are dolls assembled with bones of animals from this planet, using modern synthetic glues; therefore, they were not crafted during pre-Hispanic times,” remarked Estrada to reporters.

“They are not extraterrestrials; they are not aliens,” clarified Estrada.

As of the current writing, the owner of the doll is unknown.

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They have since been revealed to be dolls made of animal bones. Credit: Carlos Garcia Granthon/Fotoholica Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Nonetheless, authorities assert that the intended recipient of the dolls was, in fact, a Mexican citizen, as reported by The Mirror.

On Friday, January 12, forensic experts presented to reporters the fabricated dolls adorned in attire of red, orange, and green.

The investigation also determined that the bones utilized for the alleged celestial beings were crafted from a mixture of avian, canine, human, and various other animal remains.

These are not the sole ‘aliens’ reported to have been discovered. Mexican journalist and ufologist Jose Jaime Maussan asserted that the bodies he uncovered, named Clara and Mauricio, were estimated to be between 700 and 1,800 years old.

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Another set of ‘aliens’ were also unveiled in congress. Credit: ABC News

Maussan further contended that he had come across the two-foot ‘aliens’ in 2017 in Cusco, Peru, in close proximity to the pre-Columbian Nazca Lines.

In September, he stated, “This is the first time extraterrestrial life is presented in such a form, and I think there is a clear demonstration that we are dealing with non-human specimens that are not related to any other species in our world.”

Nevertheless, a report by the Peruvian prosecutorโ€™s office in 2017 dismissed Maussanโ€™s assertions and determined that the entities were ‘recently manufactured.’

According to the report, they asserted that the two entities were ‘not the remains of ancestral aliens as they have been portrayed.’

A test conducted by Dr. Josรฉ Zalce Benitez, the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute in the Secretary of the Mexican Navyโ€™s office, concluded that the bodies had ‘no relation to human beings.’

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