People are asking how Family Guy never got canceled after clip goes viral

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Featured Image Credit:ย Disney

Fans of Family Guy are turning to social media to inquire about the show’s resilience following a notably controversial episode.

The AI-generated version of Family Guy faced such severe backlash for its offensiveness that it was promptly banned on Twitch. In contrast, Seth MacFarlane’s original animated sitcom has been running successfully for an impressive 24 years and continues to do so.

Featuring Seth Green, Alex Borstein, Mila Kunis, and Mike Henry, Family Guy has been on the air since 1999. The show has consistently employed satire to humorously critique American culture while also addressing significant historical events.

Despite facing cancellation multiple times, Family Guy’s discontinuations were not primarily due to its controversial humor. Instead, the show found itself pitted against other programs on the channel that attracted larger audiences, leading to its intermittent cancellations.

If there’s a particular scene that could have been the catalyst for the show’s potential downfall, certain social media users are well aware of which one it might be.

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Most of the family is present in the scene. Credit: Fox

The potentially controversial scene depicts Chris, Peter, Lois, Meg, and Brian the dog visiting Ground Zero.

In the clip, Peter remarks, “So, this is where the first guy got AIDS,” a line that could have contributed to the scene’s controversy.

In that particular clip, Peter’s comment, “So, this is where the first guy got AIDS,” stands out as a potential factor contributing to the scene’s controversy.

Peter further adds to the controversy by speculating that Saddam Hussein might be responsible, accusing the “Iraqi Army, some guys from Iraq,” and even mentioning “that one lady who visited Iraq that one time.”

Brian intervenes to clarify, stating, “No, Peter, Iraq had nothing to do with this. It was a bunch of Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, and Egyptians financed by a Saudi Arabian guy living in Afghanistan and sheltered by Pakistanis.”

If the controversial nature of that discussion escapes your understanding, you might be likened to Peter in the scene.

Even though the clip was originally released as part of Season Seven Episode Four in November 2008, titled “Baby Not on Board,” it has resurfaced on X, formerly known as Twitter, with people expressing disbelief and questioning, “How did this show never get canceled?”

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Peter gets a history and politics lesson from Brian. Credit: Fox

In this particular scene, some individuals perceive the show’s humor as having crossed a line, prompting criticism for its perceived insensitivity.

A user on X remarked, “Lmao, Peter said, ‘Wow, Ground Zero. So this is where the first guy got AIDS.’ What is wrong with Family Guy?” indicating a reaction to the perceived controversial humor in the scene.

On the flip side, another viewer has interpreted the scene as a valuable politics and history lesson, stating, “You know, a lot of people rag on Family Guy, but if I really think about it, my entire political ideology can be traced back to the episode where they go to Ground Zero and Brian explains the injustices of the Iraq War to Peter.” This showcases the diverse perspectives and interpretations that viewers bring to the show.

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