$30K ‘Wedding’ Was Just a Big Party, Officiant Grandpa Forgot To File Marriage Paperwork

Once you utter the words “I do,” are you instantly married? Well, not entirely. While everyone witnessing the ceremony may believe that you and your spouse have embarked on your happily ever after, the reality is a bit more nuanced. This moment may appear beautiful, and we often assume that the blissful couple is now united both in love and under the law.

This holds true, of course, only if everyone fulfills their expected roles. A TikTok couple learned the harsh lesson that when the officiant fails to carry out their duties, a wedding amounts to little more than an extravagant gathering for close friends.

If you don’t ask, you’ll never find out.

Madalyn and Bill Smitley recently tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony. Madalyn shared in a TikTok that, while reveling in the joy of newlywed life, they recognized the need to attend to some practical matters. Specifically, Madalyn aimed to include Bill in her military insurance and required a copy of their marriage certificate to facilitate the process.

Madalyn searched high and low, fearing she had misplaced the marriage certificate. Fortunately, Bill came to the rescue, presenting her with the necessary paperwork from their wedding and saving the day.

Pointing to the top of the document, she exclaimed, “This is the marriage license.”

Alright, we’re following along.

“This is the section that the officiant was supposed to send to the probate court to formalize our marriage!” she exclaimed in frustration.


What’s causing her distress? Could she not simply submit it via mail or deliver it in person?

The issue lies in the fact that it expired nine days ago. She exclaims, “We’re not married!”

After taking a sip of her wine, she remarks, “We didn’t spend $30,000 for a wedding; it turned into a damn social gathering.”

Madalyn, frustrated, expresses that she and Bill have to resort to going to the courthouse to get married. However, the situation takes a turn for the worse.

“Our officiant was none other than my grandfather. Congratulations to us!”

Bill is casually sipping from a brown bottle, admiring his ring, and shaking his head in a somewhat resigned manner.

Oh my goodness. Bill, hand over the bottle, please.

Lives were being lost.

The narrative, the presentation, and the groom’s amusing antics in the background had everyone bursting into laughter.

“I apologize, but I appreciate you sharing this. It’s not only informative for others to steer clear, but also quite amusing,” commented one person.

“You did go through with a wedding… it’s just the marriage part that didn’t quite make it, lol,” observed a follower.

Another individual jokingly remarked, “Grandpa was like, ‘I’ll just leave this here in case she changes her mind.'”

Cheer up, youngsters. You’re not alone.

“I had to call my pastor and meet him afterward to get him to sign because we forgot to ๐Ÿ˜‚, so we have photos of everyone in the car signing it,” mentioned another comment.

Of course, it’s amusing, but TikTokers still had inquiries.

Madalyn uploaded a second video to address all those pressing questions. Many individuals were curious about why they didn’t simply send the paperwork by mail.

Madalyn presented a document that explicitly mentioned, “Upon the conclusion of the marriage ceremony, the officiant is exclusively responsible for returning the marriage certificate to the probate court. This can be done either by mail or in person. Boldly emphasized: Do Not โ€” in bold letters โ€” entrust it to the couple for return.”

Apologies, Grandpa, but this responsibility falls on your shoulders.

Fortunately, court officials showed compassion towards the couple.

Upon realizing they weren’t legally married, the couple found themselves 70 days beyond the court’s deadline for paperwork submission. Gratefully, the court made a special exception, and Madalyn and Bill were granted legal marriage status. Now officially Mr. and Mrs. Smitley, they are set to celebrate the holidays with their newfound marital recognition.

Congratulations to the joyful couple! May your marriage be brimming with love and countless moments of laughter. Here’s to a long and happy life together. And let’s hope Grandpa continues to bring his unique excitement for many years to come.

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