Woman Zip-Lining Doesn’t See Alligator Lurking In Pond Until He Leaps Out To Bite Her

Many Floridians, and perhaps even those from beyond the state, know that Florida, the Sunshine State, is abundant with alligators. These reptiles are frequently spotted in ponds, lakes, and swamps throughout the area, yet at times, they unexpectedly appear in the most improbable places.

In the video below, an alligator unexpectedly showed up at a zip line station. However, it wasn’t merely the presence of the alligator that surprised everyone; it was its subsequent actions that caught everyone off guard!

In the video, a group of zip-lining instructors was evaluating a recently installed line that extended across a pond.

The pond’s reputation for hosting resident alligators heightened the thrill of the adventure. Fully geared up for protection, one of the instructors fastened herself to the line and commenced her journey.

Her fellow instructors waited eagerly on the opposite side of the zip line, undoubtedly anxious to hear her feedback on the new line.

However, what she hadn’t anticipated was the presence of an alligator silently watching her from the depths of the pond.

None the wiser, the instructor embarked on the zip line. As she neared the end, she seemed somewhat relaxed, probably assuming that the line was a success.

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