Children watch on in horror as bear eats family of ducklings in front of them at zoo

Juniper the bear didn’t care who she was upsetting as she tucked into her meal at Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle


There’s nothing like a trip to the zoo to help teach kids about animals, but one group’s lesson about wildlife was a lot more gruesome than they’d bargained for.

Though death is a natural part of life, usually it’s a nice idea to try and shield young children from the brutal reality of the circle of life until they’re a bit older.

This usually isn’t too hard, given that kids aren’t very likely to encounter a predator tearing apart its prey in their back yard, but it turns out the same can’t be said for the zoo.

On 23 April, mom andย TikTokย user Rachelle took her daughter and a group of her friends to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle,ย Washington, to celebrate the young girl’s birthday.

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In a video shared online, the kids could be seen looking into an enclosure which housed a brownย bearย named Juniper, who had been taken to the zoo after being found roaming alone in Alaska.

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