People told they have ‘vision of a sniper’ if than can spot snake hidden in forest

The closest any of us have come to being a sniper is battling zombies in Call of Duty.

But it looks like our skill at spotting targets in a crowded area is really being tested in this photo.

Out of the blue, this image has appeared on Reddit, and people are scratching their heads over the brainteaser posted in the ‘FindTheSniper’ thread.

“Find the copperhead,” the caption reads, with the user explaining: “I threw this little guy out into the woods after stumbling upon him while landscaping at the house.”

“PSA: Donโ€™t kill copperheads; theyโ€™re just minding their own business. Politely relocate themโ€”theyโ€™d rather not become โ€˜snake bites.โ€™”

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Can you see it? Nah, me neither. (Reddit)

While you’re still searching for the snake, let’s take a moment to explain what a copperhead is for anyone who might be curious.

A copperhead is a small venomous snake native to North America, commonly found in wooded areas.

It has a bit of a menacing appearance, with reddish-brown, hourglass-shaped patterns running down its back.

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