You have high IQ and ‘sniper vision’ if you can spot hidden dog stood in the snow in this image

If you’re confident in your sniping skills on CoD, why not put them to the test in Reddit’s underground community?

A user recently posted an optical illusion of a winter wonderland in the r/FindTheSniper feed.

In particular, the image features a white dog camouflaged among snow-covered trees in a forest, and the Reddit user has challenged people to see if they can spot it.

With the heavy snowfall, at first glance, it seems nearly impossible to spot the white-colored dog, perfectly camouflaged against the snowy backdrop.

With the heavy snowfall, at first glance, it seems nearly impossible to spot the white-colored dog, perfectly camouflaged against the snowy backdrop.

To make it even more challenging, the user has dared people to locate the dog within 20 seconds or less.

If you’re up for the challenge, take a look below:


Having trouble? Hereโ€™s a hint to help you out.

Even though the dogโ€™s white fur blends in with the snow, focus on spotting its ears, nose, and eyes.

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