Parents in shock as gorillas mate in front of kids at zoo

The mating was quick… but not quick enough for zoo-goers to catch a glimpse

Going to the zoo is meant to be a fun day out for the family, providing the opportunity to see animals usually based across the world in one location.

A typical day at theย zooย may see families viewing animal shows and even get the chance to pet some furry friends if they are lucky. But not everything goes to plan…

And there’s inevitably going to be some shenanigans that are better of left to the naked eye. Take a look:

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Zooย animalsย may be on their best behavior a lot of the time, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t naughty from time to time.

Mating is, of course, part of any animal cycle, and it’s pretty common for it to take place.

However, you wouldn’t expect it to happen with a public gallery.

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