Arnold Schwarzenegger believes Heaven is a ‘fantasy’, says: ‘We won’t see each other again after we’re gone’

Arnold Schwarzenegger recently engaged in a candid discussion with his longtime friend and actor Danny DeVito, sharing his reflections on heaven, religion, and the afterlife.

The legendary pair, renowned for their roles in the 1988 comedy “Twins,” delved into their lives, careers, and personal beliefs in a recent interview with Interview Magazine.

At 75 years old, Schwarzenegger is often perceived as a “man of the people” and stands out as one of the most beloved actors in Hollywood history. Nevertheless, the Austrian Oak’s perspective on the afterlife is likely to spark diverse opinions.

In their insightful conversation, DeVito, renowned for his roles in “Matilda” and “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia,” posed a question to Schwarzenegger about the future. The Terminator didn’t hold back, sharing his candid perspective on what unfolds after we pass away.

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The Terminator star has shared his feelings on an afterlife. Credit: Jeff Spicer / Stringer / Getty

In response to a question reminiscent of one posed by Howard Stern, Schwarzenegger provided a forthright reply, stating, “It reminds me of Howard Stern’s question to me. ‘Tell me, governor, what happens to us when we die?’ I said, ‘Nothing. You’re six feet under. Anyone that tells you something else is a f***ing liar.'” He continued, acknowledging uncertainty about the fate of the soul and spiritual matters, emphasizing that the current physical form is transient and won’t be replicated in the same way again.

Acknowledging the discomfort associated with discussing death, the action legend admitted to skepticism regarding the concept of heaven, dismissing it as a “fantasy.”

“When people talk about ‘I will see them again in heaven,’ it sounds so good, but the reality is that we won’t see each other again after we’re gone. That’s the sad part. I know people feel comfortable with death, but I don’t,” he shared.

Having faced the loss of several friends in the bodybuilding industry over the years, Schwarzenegger has crafted a distinctive view of heaven. He explained, “To me, heaven is where I put a person who I love dearly, who is kind, who is generous, who made a difference in my life and other people’s lives.”

“I store them in a corner of my mind, akin to the front row reserved for cherished friends. Thinking about them always evokes a positive sentiment.”

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Arnold Schwarzenegger believes heaven is a “fantasy”. Credit: Dominik Bindl / Getty

The acknowledgment about death from the star of The Terminator is unexpected, especially given his prior discussions about his Catholic upbringing.

“Since those initial days, a phrase continues to echo in my mind: ‘a servant’s heart.’ It symbolizes the commitment to serve a purpose larger than oneself.”

Arnie conveyed these remarks while urging elected public officials to embody the religious principles instilled in him during his youth. He emphasized the importance of elected representatives demonstrating a “public servant’s heart” in the current context.

“We require public servants dedicated to a cause greater than their personal power or party affiliations. We need individuals committed to upholding the lofty ideals upon which this country was founded—ideals that command admiration from other nations.”

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