Couple stunned after discovering they’re the only ones at an all-inclusive 5-star resort

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Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@freedom_hustler

A pair of individuals were pleasantly surprised upon reaching their dream destination, discovering that they had struck gold as the sole patrons at an exclusive, all-inclusive five-star resort.

We’ve all experienced it—rising at the crack of dawn during a vacation to secure the prime sun loungers by the pool. It’s undeniably a needlessly stressful routine during what should be a time of relaxation.

However, for this particular couple, there was no such issue, as they had the entire Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos in Mexico all to themselves.

Upon Cameron and his wife’s arrival at the luxurious resort, they stumbled upon what initially seemed like a jest.

As captured in a video shared on TikTok under the handle @freedomhustle, Cameron recorded the sun loungers, the pool, and various outdoor areas surrounding the hotel.

The twist? There was literally no one present, except for the staff, of course.

While the idea of having a five-star resort all to yourself may seem intriguing, Cameron documented the eerie and surreal experience of being the only guests alongside his partner.

“In the beginning, it started as a joke… but it feels more like an episode from Black Mirror,” Cameron remarked, as he spoke over footage capturing the deserted resort.

It’s reasonable to assume that the couple initially relished the situation, but as the days unfolded, the breathtaking surroundings gradually transformed into an unsettling experience.

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The couple were shocked to see the resort so empty. Credit: TikTok/@freedom_hustler

Although he should have been basking in the lap of luxury on a sun lounger with a mojito in hand, Cameron’s curiosity got the better of him.

Consequently, the TikToker resolved to explore the resort from top to bottom, hoping to encounter some semblance of life.

However, his quest turned out to be less than successful.

“Every time I think I see someone that’s not wearing a white uniform, I get excited, only to realize, no, just more contractors working on the place. Which, again, was kind of cool, until it wasn’t,” remarked Cameron.

Upon realizing that he and his wife were the sole guests at the Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos, Cameron started contemplating the financial intricacies of maintaining the resort.

“How is this place paying for all these lights?” he questioned during one segment of the video.

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The resort was completely empty… Credit: TikTok/@freedom_hustler

“How do these fire pits stay ablaze day and night on our behalf? Who covers the expenses for all of this? It seems like this entire kingdom exists solely for our enjoyment.”

Following the New York Post’s approach prompted by the viral video, the resort asserted its ability to accommodate guests under any circumstances.

Melissa Wisenbaker stated, “Velas Resorts maintain full operational capacity, irrespective of the actual number of guests residing on the property.”

“This results in a staff-to-guest ratio of 3 to 1, in contrast to many other resorts where the ratio is often the opposite, with 3 guests for every 1 staff member.”

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