Dark Meaning Behind ‘It’s Raining, It’s Pouring’ Leaves People ‘Traumatized’

A section discusses a ‘deteriorating conscious state,’ adding: “This is the most important neurological sign, particularly when it develops after a ‘lucid’ interval.

“It is essential that the drowsiness that occurs in a patient following head injury is not misinterpreted just as the patient wishing to sleep.

“In the book, Kaye notes the seemingly innocent rhyme is actually a ‘classic description of an extradural hematoma [acute hemorrhage] leading to drowsiness and death.’”

Patient.info explains that an extradural hematoma is ’caused by a severe head injury – for example, in a road traffic accident.’

These strange connections have led some to theorize that the song serves as a PSA to encourage those with head injuries to seek medical help.

It puts a whole new (and sinister) meaning on the seemingly sweet nursery rhyme!

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