First lawyer with down syndrome reveals what type of law she is going to practice

โ€œTo help people with disabilities and those who donโ€™t have a voiceโ€”thatโ€™s why I became a lawyer,โ€ Ana added.

Espinoโ€™s ambitions go beyond practicing law; in addition to advocating for the rights of people with disabilities, she hints at a possible future in politics.

She further shared, โ€œI see myself as a local representative. I am passionate about the law, and I want to pave the way for people with disabilities to occupy decision-making spaces. Our condition does not silence our voice, will, or ability to contribute to improving our state.โ€

Despite the often harsh and brutal nature of the internet, many people on social media have been praising Ana for her remarkable achievement.

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The young woman wants to do more than just practice law in the future (NTRTV/YouTube)

One user commented, โ€œBefore the trolls arrive, I just want to say this is impressive. My friends in law school are already struggling as it is.โ€

Another user remarked, โ€œI canโ€™t think of any law program that goes easy on anyone. Accomplishing this with a cognitive disability is incredibly impressive. Good for herโ€” I hope she uses her degree to inspire others in similar situations to achieve great things.โ€

Another user wrote, โ€œCongrats to her. She has more dedication and ambition than many. I wish her all the best.โ€

A third user commented, โ€œIโ€™m proud of her and her support system. This is quite an accomplishment. People with Down syndrome can have intellectual disabilities ranging from mild to severe.โ€

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