Heartbreaking ‘Goodbye Note’ from 12-Year-Old Schoolgirl Unveils

Charlotte’s family says that the bullying left her with deep emotional and mental scars. Several times, her tears in the school bathrooms revealed the depth of her struggles.

She told someone else, “I don’t want to be here.” The family talked about how much pain Charlotte was in.

There was one very scary talk where she told her mother, “My body fills with pain until my heart explodes.” Charlotte had been going to therapy and taking medicine for her depression.

Her family said they hoped the therapy would help her deal with the ways the bullying had hurt her. She did, however, send one last word to a friend she had made outside of school the night before she died.

She posted a Snapchat photo of herself crying with the message, “I am sorry.” Her worried friend tried to get in touch with her.

depression (Canva)

The friend sent desperate messages, including, โ€œCharlotte, you are scaring me,โ€ and โ€œCharlotte, please, I am here for you.โ€ The next day, her family and friends’ worst fears came true.

When Charlotte’s family found the scary goodbye note she had written, they found out the sad truth. In it, Charlotte talked about the bullying she had been through at school.

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