Identical Twins Experimented with Vegan Vs. Omnivorous Diet

Researchers at Kingโ€™s College London carefully monitored their progress, tracking key health metrics such as weight, cholesterol levels, and muscle mass throughout the study.

Over the weeks, Hugo, who was on a vegan diet, began to notice some intriguing changes.

Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diet
Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diet (Canva)

One of his most noticeable changes was an increase in energy levels during his workouts.

He reported feeling an increase in energy and mental clarity during his gym workouts.

His snacking habits transformed; he moved from eating biscuits and chips to opting for more nutrient-dense, plant-based choices like fruits and nuts.

This shift had a profound impact on his overall well-being.

One of the most striking changes for Hugo was his considerable weight loss.

He began the experiment weighing approximately 185 pounds with a body fat percentage of 13%.

body fat percentage dropper
body fat percentage dropper (Canva)

By the end of the 12-week period, he weighed 181 pounds, and his body fat percentage had decreased to 12%.

Throughout the experiment, his cholesterol levels showed a significant improvement.

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