Mom Finds Rubber Band On The Front Door, Then Realizes Someone Tried To Rob Her

In an era dominated by the constant news cycle, it becomes challenging to remain blissfully unaware when crimes unfold in your local area or neighborhood.

Nevertheless, the prevailing attitude among most individuals is often, “It will never happen to me.”

Maintaining a generally optimistic outlook is not inherently negative, but when it concerns safeguarding yourself against crimes, particularly burglaries and break-ins, it is wiser to prioritize being safe rather than regretting later.

Hence, we actively monitor the evolving tactics employed by potential threats, ensuring that we are well-prepared to counter them in a worst-case scenario. An example of this proactive approach is evident in our tutorial on breaking out of zip ties.

Considering that criminals continuously adapt to outsmart law enforcement, it becomes imperative for us to be more intelligent than they are. Nobody desires to return home to the distressing sight of a kicked-in door and a burglarized house.

A girlfriend is contemplating whether her openness about her past sexual partners was perhaps too much information for her boyfriend.

A resilient Texan mother came close to learning a valuable lesson through a challenging experience. However, she maintained composure in a frightening situation and now imparts essential advice that everyone should take heed of.

Share your thoughts in the comments: What actions would you take if you discovered this on your doorknob?

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In a Facebook post last month, Kim Cernigliaro shared a harrowing discovery she made outside her door.

Detailing the incident on Facebook, she wrote, “Two weeks ago, in broad daylight, there was a forceful knock at my front doorโ€”more like pounding. I have a strict policy of not answering the door when I’m alone.”

Once the knocking had ceased, and there was an extended period of silence, she chose to venture outside to investigate.

It was during her investigation that she observed the unmistakable signโ€”a telltale rubber band.



Upon informing the local sheriff, he disclosed the alarming truth behind the seemingly innocuous office supply.

Providing further details on Facebook, she explained, “The Sheriff came by yesterday and mentioned that this has become a recent trend. As soon as you unlatch the door, intruders don’t wait for you to turn the knob; they can forcefully enter.”

The purpose of the rubber band is to wedge the door open for potential intruders. It’s a method where you don’t even need to fully open the door; simply unlatching it is sufficient for unauthorized access.

This revelation serves as a sobering reminder for anyone concerned about home security.

Fortunately, there are numerous proactive measures one can take to stay ahead of criminals and deter them from targeting your home.

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