Mom Shares Her 2nd Grader’s Math Homework Online And Almost No One Can Figure It Out

As a kindergartener, I eagerly anticipated receiving homework because I believed it would make me feel more grown-up, akin to the older kids who were assigned tasks to complete outside of school.

Certainly, once I began bringing home assignments, my enthusiasm quickly waned, and I found myself considerably less thrilled about the prospect of homework.

Fortunately, most elementary school assignments tend to be fairly manageable. I can only imagine how challenging it would have been if they had been exceedingly difficult.

In 2018, a second grader faced a daunting math assignment that left them stumped. Their mother, Angie Warner, feeling equally perplexed, turned to the internet for assistance, posting the math problem online in hopes of finding a solution.

Angie sought help by posting the math problem on the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Privately Facebook page, where fellow members were just as puzzled by the perplexing question.

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Angie shared the question on Facebook on January 24, 2018, sparking a flurry of comments as others joined in the attempt to unravel its mysteries.

Almost nobody could decipher the answer to the challenging math problem, leaving many scratching their heads in bewilderment.

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In the dog show, there are 49 dogs registered to compete. Among them, there are 36 more small dogs than large dogs signed up to participate. How many small dogs have registered for the competition?

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Do you know what the answer is?

Quite a common misconception, isn’t it? Despite the popular belief that the solution is 36, it’s actually incorrect.


If you’re feeling stumped, rest assured, you’re not the only one.

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