Olympic commentator corrected live on air after misgendering masked athlete

“Raven Saunders is actually non-binary and wearing the mask there, weโ€™re quite used to seeing them with interesting attire.”

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And as for why Sawyers refers to themselves as the Hulk, theyย toldย Yahoo: “Early on, similar to the Hulk, I had a tough time differentiating between the two; I had a tough time controlling when the Hulk came out or when the Hulk didnโ€™t come out.

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“But through my journey, especially dealing with mental health and things like that, I learned how to compartmentalise, the same way that Bruce Banner learned to control the Hulk, learned how to let the Hulk come out during the right moments and that way it also gave him a sign of mental peace.

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โ€œBut when the Hulk came out, the Hulk was smashing everything that needed to be smashed.โ€

As for what competing in the Olympics means to them, Sawyers added: “Everything that Iโ€™ve been through mental health-wise, injuries, everything like that, financial, really being able to invest everything that I have mentally and physically … [to] be able to walk away with a medal and inspire so many people in theย LGBTQย community, so many people who have been dealing with mental health issues, so many of the African-American community, so many people who are Black all around the world, I really hope that I can inspire and motivate.โ€

Sawyers qualified for the women’s shot put final after throwing 18.62 metres which will take place on Friday (9 August).

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