People disgusted by actor’s admission of what she ‘loves’ to do in the shower

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Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/JessBiel/Instagram/JessicaBiel

People follow diverse shower routines. While some prefer morning showers, others opt for evening ones. There are also those who never shower and instead, greatly favor taking baths.

Jessica Biel has disclosed her personal showering habits, and it seems to have left people quite repulsed.

The actor’s showering frequency isn’t the issue; rather, it’s the activities she engages in while in the shower that has raised eyebrows.

The peculiarity of the situation has left people perplexed, especially considering her candid admission of it on TikTok for the world to see.

On her social media, the 41-year-old explained her affinity for a particular aspect of her daily routine that she enjoys doing in the shower.

With two children alongside singer Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, being a busy mom, might simply be engaging in a bit of multi-tasking in the shower.

Regardless, the general consensus is that people find it peculiar, and many are left with numerous questions about her unusual showering revelation.

“I think maybe some of you know this about me,” Biel started.

“I enjoy indulging in a meal while taking a shower. It brings me pleasure to savor foods and beverages that are suitable for the shower environment, such as cereal, yogurt, coffee, tea, and even popsicles. Despite the potential for melting, it’s a safe choice – anything that may accidentally drop is easily manageable.”

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Jessica Biel revealed her shower habits. Credit: TikTok/@jessbiel

While we might consider enjoying a refreshing drink in the shower or having a glass of wine before a night out, the idea of consuming cereal in that setting seems less appealing. The combination of milk and water from the shower is a definite no for us.

Viewers were quite perplexed, with some speculating whether the video served as some sort of “warning.”

A commenter expressed their curiosity, saying, “Is it like standing under a waterfall while eating cereal, or how does it work? Do you pour your milk down? I’m genuinely intrigued; I’ve never come across this before, lol.”

Meanwhile, another individual remarked, “That’s quite unusual.”

A third person chimed in, saying, “Is this some kind of code? Is it a warning for something?”

A fourth individual raised concern, asking, “Hmmmm, are you okay?”

Yet, another person highlighted, “It might be the sole location where you can enjoy a meal without the presence of children.”

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Most people were pretty shocked at the revelation. Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

Some individuals concurred that it was a commendable notion, with one confessing to consuming a bowl of soup while in the shower, a practice deemed rather unconventional.

A few individuals highlighted the possibility that Biel likely possesses a spacious shower, allowing for the consumption of food away from the direct water flow, which does improve the situation somewhat.

Following the viral spread of her video, Biel returned to TikTok to provide further clarification, stating, “I enjoy taking a bite or a sip and placing it on the ledge while I go about my routine.”

She went on to say, “The only challenge is that when you’re chewing, you need to keep your mouth closed. I still prefer being under the water while chewing, and there’s this odd inclination to open my mouth and spit water simultaneously.”

The actor offered guidance, saying, “Chew with your mouth closed, and make sure not to open your mouth to avoid letting the shower water in.”

“There you have it, enjoy your shower dining experience.”

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