People mind-blown after discovering what yellow ‘sleep’ in eyes when you wake up actually is

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For many, sleep stands out as the preferred part of the day. However, the prospect of waking up the next morning is often less enjoyable. This experience may be further exacerbated by the presence of yellowish discharge at the corners of your eyes when the alarm sounds.

Have you ever pondered the nature of the crust that we occasionally refer to as ‘sleep in our eyes’?

The natural phenomenon may be somewhat unpleasant to discuss, but it is a shared experience that we can all relate to.

Upon waking up, you might flick it away, or perhaps it gets washed off when you cleanse your face. Regardless, we find a way to eliminate it one way or another.

A TikTok video has unveiled the precise nature of that yellowish substance and explained why it occurs specifically during our sleep.

Andrew Huberman explains, “If you’ve ever awakened in the morning with crust on your eyes,…”

“And that crust, that yellowish substance—sometimes it does have a yellow hue, I realize it’s a bit unpleasant.”

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Something that happens to all of us after we wake up has been explained. Credit: Getty Stock Photos

“That’s actually the result of dead bacteria that your eyes have effectively battled and conquered while you were asleep at night.”

“So when you wipe those away, you’re clearing the aftermath of a victorious battle that occurred during your night’s sleep, whisking away the casualties.”

In essence, when you wake up in the morning and flick away the crust in your eyes, you are discarding the remains of the defeated intruders that dared to challenge your body’s well-being.

Delving into greater detail, according to both Medical News Today and the Cleveland Clinic, the crust in your eyes is, in fact, a blend of deceased skin cells, dirt, dust, oil, and mucus. Quite a delightful combination.

While we’re awake, we continuously blink away this concoction of unpleasant elements. However, with our eyes closed during sleep, all these substances accumulate, congeal, and dry out, ready for us to contend with in the morning.

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You’re clearing your eyes of excess bacteria when you get rid of the yellow crust in the morning. Credit: Getty Stock Images

People were truly astonished when they discovered the explanation behind the crust, leading to numerous comments on TikTok.

Someone declared, “I am determined not to succumb, even in my sleep.”

Another user aptly remarked, “Commencing the day with a triumph.”

A third user shared, “Back in kindergarten, I used to drop them in my tea,” accompanied by a skull emoji.

An even more revolting disclosure from that user, but I suppose we’ve all been children at some point.

That should serve as motivation for everyone. While your body tirelessly fights for you during sleep, resting allows you to be well-prepared for the challenges of the next day.

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