Scientists Have Bad News for Those Who Still Smoke Weed at 30

1. Unusual Information

This data originates from Australia and exclusively features female mothers. This perspective is quite localized, which might limit its representation of other nations. Certain data traces its origins back to 1981. Of course, this might not be relevant to today’s diverse and interconnected world. 

2. Indicators of Achievement

Excessive use of substances like marijuana
Excessive use of substances like marijuana (Canva)

Another constraint is the criteria established to assess an individual’s success. For instance, two indicators are owning a home and being in a relationship. Numerous cultural and geographical factors are influencing both of these aspects. Homeownership often reflects individual priorities and location rather than a measure of one’s success.

Your decision can be swayed by factors such as having a family or the choice to put down roots in a particular location. With the rise of the digital nomad lifestyle, owning a home doesn’t automatically signify achievement.

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