TikToker who cried over reality of her first 9-5 job reveals she’s been laid off

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Featured Image Credit:ย TikTok/@brielleybelly123

A TikTok content creator who previously shared insights into the challenges of working a traditional 9-5 job has now experienced a layoff.

Brielle, known as @brielleybelly123 on the video-sharing platform, gained viral attention in October with a video expressing frustration about her work/life balance.

“I realize I might be coming off as overly dramatic and annoying, but it’s my inaugural job โ€“ the first 9 to 5 position I’ve taken on since graduating college,” she remarked.

“I have to go to the workplace in person, and the commute in the city is unbelievably time-consuming,” she expressed, emphasizing the challenges of her lengthy journey.

Brielle continued, expressing that she struggles to make time for activities like exercise or spending time with friends. Upon returning from work, her routine primarily revolves around “showering, having dinner, and going straight to sleep.”

Skipping ahead to December, unfortunately, Brielle experienced the unfortunate event of being laid off from her job.

In a TikTok video posted on December 15, she stated, “I won’t dwell on this, but I wanted to share that I’ve been laid off from my initial post-grad jobโ€”the one that took me five months to secure and the reason I relocated to New York City.”

“Before we begin, I want to make it clear that it’s not my fault,” Brielle added.

“At the start-up where I was employed, they lacked the necessary workload and capacity to provide me with training and assign tasks,” she explained.

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Brielle unfortunately got laid off just before the holidays. Credit: brielleybelly123/TikTok

Brielle mentioned that finding a new job was challenging, especially considering the timing just before the holidays. Many recruitment processes were on hold until the New Year.

Compounding her situation with added pressure, Brielle revealed that she lacks an emergency savings fund, as her income primarily went towards covering bills and other necessities.

Continuing, she appealed to people to inform her about any available digital marketing positions and hinted at the possibility of taking on nannying or serving roles to fill the gap between jobs.

The video has garnered more than 680,000 views since its posting.

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Brielle shared that she didn’t make enough from her previous salary to generate any savings. Credit: brielleybelly123/TikTok

Whether Brielle has secured a new job remains uncertain, but viewers expressed empathy for her situation in the comments section of the video.

One individual commented, “This is the stark reality of today’s work environment; it’s absolutely insane.”

A different TikTok user shared, “I have three degrees and experience. Five months after graduating, I still haven’t secured a job and have barely been interviewed. Questioning EVERYTHING. You’re not alone.”

“I’m so sorry, boo! Everything will be fine! Start a series, ‘Day 1 of Getting Laid Off’ – live that influencer life,” someone else suggested.

Considering the thousands of views Brielle’s videos have garnered, perhaps the influencer life is a suitable path for her after all!

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