Woman Who Looks Like A Child On The ‘Creeps’ Who Want To Date Her

In an interview with the New York Post, Rae said: “If you look at me, you see an eight-year-old.

“But I think if you take the time to look at the details in my face, in my hands, the maturity in my body – and I think if you take the time to actually talk to me – you really understand that I’m [an adult].”

Unfortunately, when it comes to brief encounters, people don’t take the time to do this and Rae will be treated like a child.

In a TikTok video, she shared that she’ll be given kids’ menus, cups, and crayons at restaurants.

She said (per People magazine): “I think it’s just the environment I’m around and the way I carry myself that sometimes affects it, but I also think if they see you in a family environment, they see a short-statured person, they just immediately think ‘child’ but it happens all the time.”

Rae’s past c@ncer treatment has also affected areas of her life.

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Although she doesn’t presently want children, the 25-year-old has embarked on a fertility journey.

In a video on her YouTube channel, the TV personality revealed that she has a ‘very low egg count,’ although she had plans to freeze her eggs during season two of I Am Shauna Rae, she couldn’t proceed due to the high costs involved.

Rae said: “I wanted to go through with getting my eggs frozen to save a chance if I want to have children. I want the same opportunities as anyone else.

“But I learned that at that time… my insurance would not cover anything, and the medicine alone would be $9000 or something dollars, and it was a total that came to close to $15,000 to $20,000 and I did not have the funds at that point to go through with the procedure on my own.”

She continued: “I’ve been lately having a lot of thoughts about if I do want a family and if I do want a baby that looks like me, or if I want to go through adoption or whatever.

“You know, at the end of the day, I genuinely don’t care… a child, someone to raise, someone to grow with, in a sense, is all in the same for me.”

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Now, Rae has launched a GoFundMe to help with her medical journey. Besides funding her eggs to be frozen, the TLC star is raising cash for dental implants.

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